Honor 8 Pro/Honor V9 Rebrand (Convert Chinese to International)DUK-AL00/AL10/AL20/AL30
Honor 8 Pro Rebrand service is now available at ministryofsolutions. By using this service, you can convert your Chinese Honor V9 (DUK-AL00/AL10/AL20/AL30) can be converted to international version Honor 8 Pro DUK-L09. This conversion will be for a lifetime and all future updates should work. All google apps will be available after conversion, no matter how many times you reset your phone.
IMPORTANT: Do not update your Phone to the latest firmware before rebranding. Otherwise rebrand will not be possible
Recently Converted Phones:
Supported Models:
- DUK-AL00, DUK-AL10, DUK-AL20, DUK-AL30
How it works:
- You need windows computer, with fast internet connection
- Teamviewer installed on your computer
- We will connect to your computer and rebrand your phone
- This process may take 2 hours
- Your phone should be running original firmware (Custom ROMs not allowed)
How much it costs:
- Always contact us for latest price
- Payment accepted through paypal, USDT
Contact us:
- Whatsapp: +1-401-2092237 / https://wa.me/14012092237
- Viber: +92300-3685406
- Telegram: ministryofsolutions
- Line: ministryofsolutions
- Email: contact@ministryofsolutions.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ministryofsolutionsofficial/