Huawei Mate 20 HMA-AL00 Rebrand Chinese to Global (Playstore Fix)
Huawei Mate 20 HMA-AL00 rebrand service is now available on the ministry of solutions. This service can convert your retail Chinese HMA-AL00 phone to the International version of HMA-L29. After conversion, you will be able to use all google apps even updates will work. Conversion will be permanent. Google Playstore will work just like it works on an international model.
background credit@ Jason Leung
Huawei Mate 20 Rebrand Proofs:
Proof2, Proof3, Proof4, Proof5
How it works:
- It takes around 2 hours of your time
- You need a windows 10 computer
- Teamviewer should be installed on your computer
- We will connect to your computer and install global firmware on your phone
- After conversion, your phone will have stock firmware
- Your phone will be upgrade-able
- 100% guaranteed success rate
How much is the price:
- Service charges are 25$
- Payment is accepted through Paypal, USDT,, and MoneyGram
Contact us:
- Whatsapp: +1-401-2092237 /
- Viber: +92300-3685406
- Telegram: ministryofsolutions
- Line: ministryofsolutions
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