Samsung Galaxy S8 Convert to Dual Sim (Permanent)
Samsung Galaxy S8 conversion to dual sim is now possible on ministry of solutions. By using our service you can convert your Samsung Galaxy S8 into dual sim permanently. This is 100% legal process and your phone data remains original.
How it works:
- Service charges are 30$
- Payment accepted through paypal/western union/RIA
- Your phone’s imei must be original
- Knox must be 0 in download mode
- Your phone must be running stock firmware
- Service is provided through teamviewer
- You must have windows computer
- You will need dual sim tray to use 2 simcards (Order online)
Supported Models
- SM-G950F (only android 8)
Contact us:
- Whatsapp: +1-401-2092237 /
- Viber: +92300-3685406
- Telegram: ministryofsolutions
- Line: ministryofsolutions
- Email:
- Facebook:
Recently Converted Phones
- Before conversion
2. After conversion