Huawei P10 VTR-L09 Convert to Dual Sim – Chinese to international (Paid Service)
If you have bought Huawei P10 from operator which is sim locked in most cases. You are not able to use 2nd sim even though hardware is there for 2nd sim. By using our service you can unlock 2nd sim slot and use sim card from any operator in the world.
Service Includes:
- Converting Chinese model VTR-AL00 to VTR-L29C432
- Converting single sim model VTR-L09 to VTR-L29C432
How much it costs:
- Rebranding Price is 15$ only
- Only EMUI9.1 and older versions supported
- Fast internet connection
- The battery must be fully charged
- Windows OS running computer (Mac not supported)
- Teamviewer installed on the computer.
- We do it without opening the back cover
- Total time of 2 hours.
- Faster firmware updates
- Operator Logo removed
- 2nd sim can be used for any other operator in world
Payment Methods:
- Payment accepted via Paypal, USDT,
- A refund will be issued if the phone is not fixed
Contact us:
- Whatsapp: +1-401-2092237 /
- Viber: +92300-3685406
- Telegram: ministryofsolutions
- Line: ministryofsolutions
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